I'm back!
And this time, I'm hoping to stay strong.
As I already shortly mentioned, I have a stronger motivation to get trim and healthy.
But wait.
I've never been what any one can consider trim or healthy. . .
So how do I know what that is for me?
Here's the thing.
I don't.
I started to gain weight when I was pretty young, shortly before puberty.
I've always been on the heavier side for my age and height when I would go in to the doctors.
Now, even when people say that I still look pretty good, I know that I could be a whopping 80+ pounds lighter.
So for me that could mean being down to 110-120 weight range, but as I've never been a healthy weight it could also mean being ten pounds more than that.
That's what this blog is here for.
A place to document my journey back into being healthy, even when I'm busy at college.
Here's to this next year, and a take two on becoming trim and healthy!
God Bless,